Hi cuties!
If you’re into Monday night reality TV waiting to watch people receive roses thennnn I know we can vibe LOL. 😉 You can also catch me at Taco Tuesdays with a Margarita gearing up for a night of karaoke hahaha.
My boyfriend Thomas is my high school sweetie and love of my life! My family is my biggest support system and I wouldn’t be where I am without those people! <3
I’ve been shooting for 4 years now, and I am graduating from college with my Bachelor of Fine Arts in Photography THIS MAY!! With that being said, I am confident in my skills, and I got you in the wedding process. From booking, to meeting, to texting, to planning, shooting, dancing, having a drink with you, and editing and delivering I.AM.YOUR.GIRL.
Let’s connect!!
what’s been goin’ on over on the gram @mikailadusenberryphoto
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